新濠博亚娱乐旗下新濠影汇二期开发项目已于2023年4月6日对外开放。首批开放设施包括室内水上乐园“新濠影汇室内水上乐园 ”和星级酒店“映星汇”。这是新濠影汇自 2015 年首次开业以来的首个重大升级工程。
the second phase of studio city that developed by melco resorts & entertainment was unveiled to the public on april 6, 2023. the first facilities to be opened include the indoor water park and the star-studded hotel "new epic tower". this is the first major upgrade to studio city since it first opened in 2015.
sleek on the outside, bustling on the inside, this new addition was designed by the world-renowned zaha hadid architects, who made their mark in macau with the famous morpheus. the striking glass structure is an origami-inspired contemporary take on the resort’s art deco architecture, with pleated glass soaring into the sky as a reflection of the resort’s beating heart. its rich architectural details, bold geometry design, and superb construction techniques are characteristic of zaha.
扎哈·哈迪德建筑师于 2017 年受命扩建度假村,为 studio city 2 期设计了全新的休闲、娱乐和酒店设施,包括亚洲最大的室内和室外水上乐园之一、一个六屏电影院以及广泛的会议和展览空间。
appointed in 2017 to expand the resort. zaha hadid architects designed studio city phase2 with new leisure entertainment and hospitality facilities including one of asia's largest indoor & outdoor water parks and a six screen cineplex together with extensive conference and exhibition spaces.
由两座拥有 900 间客房和套房的酒店塔楼、21,000 平方米的购物和餐饮场所以及 2,300 平方米的游戏空间组成,250,000 平方米的 studio city 2 期设计以现有度假村的电影参考为灵感对装饰艺术时期丰富的细节、大胆的几何形状和工艺的现代重新诠释。
comprised of two 900-room hotel towers and suites, 21,000 square meters of shopping and dining, and 2,300 square meters of gaming space, the 250,000 square meter studio city phase 2 design is a modern reinterpretation of art deco-era rich detail, bold geometry and craftsmanship inspired by the film references of the existing resort.
在二期停车场入口处, 可以看到半户外的空间构造也沿用了“摺纸”概念, 折叠与分割, 以探索空间的无限可能性。通过褶皱的立体面融合光线, 可让光影的明暗交织在一起,令室内的照明更加突显, 简约的设计风格也能呈现得更加厚重、大气,设计的气息愈发浓厚。
the semi-outdoor space at the entrance of parking lot follows the concept of "origami", folding and dividing to explore the infinite possibilities of space. the interplay of light and shade through the folds of three-dimensional surfaces makes the interior lighting more prominent, and making the minimalist interior space appear more heavy and atmospheric.
穿过车库, 便是裙楼底层, 灯火通明的“不夜城”, 有人失意, 有人风光, 日夜交替, 不灭的就是彻夜点燃的照明。由此, 长寿命、高质量、高效率的照明产品是这个场景的基石。
driving past the entrance is the ground floor of the podium. the "sleepless town" is a place where some people are disillusioned and others are energetic, and where day and night alternate, it does not extinguish the lighting that is lit all night long. for this reason, long life, high quality, and high-efficiency lighting products are the cornerstone of this scenario.
新濠影汇二期的户外泛光照明&亮化编程均由inhabit asia limited操刀, 美轮美奂的视觉盛宴在眼前展开, 从户外停车区域驶入, 仿佛置身于浩瀚宇宙之中!
inhabit asia limited is responsible for the outdoor floodlighting & lighting programming of studio city phase ii. driving in from the outdoor parking area, a beautiful visual feast unfolds before your eyes, as if you are in the vastness of the universe!
phase ii of studio city offers an all-weather, year-round indoor water park with 16 water attractions, 7 waterslides, including asia's first water coaster, the first indoor wave simulator in macau, two wave pools and a 250-meter-long flume ride. the sky pool, which spans indoor and outdoor, is the most anticipated and worthy of a stopover. it will undoubtedly become a popular attraction for visitors!
uozu为该项目提供的产品k8凯发天生赢家一触即发人生的解决方案服务区域主要有裙楼室内照明、半户外雨棚、顶楼水上乐园、户外泛光照明等在这个项目中得到了验证和深化, 为市场提供强大的质量和信心保障。
uozu provides services in the areas of podium interior lighting, semi-outdoor canopy, the top floor water park, outdoor flood lighting, etc. this is a brand new attempt for us and a milestone in a new journey. the new outdoor products launched by uozu have been verified and deepened in this project, providing a strong guarantee of quality and confidence for the market.
泛光照明的应用在该项目的场景中扮演著重要的角色, 线型地埋灯leres和圆形地埋灯neve点亮了整个新濠影汇二期的外围, 塑造了户外空间的层次感和节奏感, 出色的导热性能, 运行表面温度不超过40℃, 可调光rgbw可完美接入夜景照明效果编程程序, 打造出和谐统一又异彩纷呈的外观亮化效果。防水防腐抗老化, ik10的防衝击防护等级让其在户外空间固若金汤,曆久弥坚。
the outdoor linear in-ground light leres & round one neve play an important role in the floodlight solutions, it lighting up the entire exterior of studio city phase ii, shaping the sense of hierarchy and rhythm of outdoor space. its excellent thermal conductivity, operating surface temperature does not exceed 40℃. the dimmable rgbw can be perfectly connected to programming that creates a harmonious and colorful appearance lighting effect. waterproof, anti-corrosion, and anti-aging, ik10 impact protection level make it solid and durable in outdoor space.
新濠影汇二期的照明方案均以隐性的间接照明为主, 线形的直接照明为辅, 打造出迷人的动态照明场景, 活灵活现, 生动自然,恰似一颗熠熠生辉的宝石闪亮登场。uozu旨在将光环境与商业户外空间相结合, 打造低能耗、健康化、艺术化的室内外照明产品,拟最大化提升商业空间价值!
the lighting scheme of studio city phase ii is mainly based on invisible indirect lighting, supplemented by linear direct lighting. it creates an enchanting dynamic lighting scene that is vivid and natural, as a glittering jewel shining on the scene. uozu aims to combine the light environment with commercial outdoor space to create low-energy, healthy and artistic indoor and outdoor lighting products, with the intention of maximizing the value of commercial space.
项目名称: 新濠影汇二期
地址: 澳门特别行政区澳门路凼连贯公路
开发商: 新濠博亚娱乐有限公司
建筑设计: 扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所
照明设计: inhabit lighting
室内设计:rockwell group, cdc designs, westar architects, oma
project name: studio city phase ii, macau, china
location: estrada do istmo, taipa-coloane reclamation area
macau s.a.r china
developers: melco resorts & entertainment
architectural design: zaha hadid architects
m&e engineering: meinhardt
lighting design: inhabit lighting
interior designers: rockwell group, cdc designs, westar architects, oma
land area: 250000㎡